Friday, March 26, 2010

The Top Ten Signs that You are an eLearning Geek

10. You actually clap your hands in excitement when you figure out that hiding slides in PowerPoint does not play nice with Articulate; you instead need to use the Hide in Navigation Panel option in the Slide Properties window of Articulate.

9. Knowing that you have an important meeting the next day with your project manager to go over a specific course's content, you take a printout of the course content with you to the gym and figure out how the course can be re-ordered and split up, while working out, to ensure that it is a more instructionally sound course.

8. While waiting for an extremely lengthy Articulate course to finish publishing, instead of surfing the Net, you peruse all of the many Twitter postings on Articulate tips and tricks.

7. You anxiously await the publishing and insertion of your Raptivity interactions into a course PowerPoint.

6. When you realize the reason why a single hyperlink out of 20 that are in a published course does not work is because the name of your linked file is just too long, you give yourself a great big pat on the back.

5. An idea comes to you in a dream about how to animate a concept that has stumped you for days.

4. While waiting for a response to your post on the Raptivity forums on how to insert a graphic without distortion issues using one of the Hot Spot interactions, you spend any free time you have playing around with the interaction, only to find out that importing a graphic into this particular interaction works only when using the wizard feature. You find that you cannot circumvent the wizard for this specific type of interaction at all, as you can with others, so you post the answer to your own question on the forums.

3. Proud of the Excel worksheet you have created by simply using the basic rectangle shape and the color fills and borders that PowerPoint offers, all you look forward to is showing it off to your family, friends, and co-workers.

2. When given a very complicated formula, with just the final answer and no examples on how to use it, you attempt to figure out the workings of the formula so that you can better explain the information to your target audience.

1. You spend your day off thinking of and reflecting on the top ten signs that you are an eLearning Geek.

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