Thursday, June 17, 2010

eLearning and Conquering the Universe at the Same Time

In a world of ever-changing technology, where a brand-new laptop purchased yesterday is considered practically obsolete by the end of the week, it seems like the younger generation is really able to take it all in stride. They’re little sponges, soaking up everything around them, especially when it comes to anything in the media arena. From watching TV shows like Sesame Street to playing with toys like the LeapFrog apparatus, to playing online games on the computer, they are constantly learning without even realizing it.

When taking this all into consideration, a question pops into my head, “Why does it seem like they’re not learning as quickly and easily in school?” How is it possible that my stepson can rattle off every piece of mad loot he wants to get from his online game—knowing exactly where the loot drops, what stats it will provide his character, and so forth—but yet my questions about what he learned in school that day are met with a blank stare?

A possible answer to this question—can eLearning save the day here, so that a young mind can be educated while conquering the universe at the same time? It’s definitely something to think about. Put simply, is there a way to apply the engaging beliefs that are eLearning and provide this type of training/learning to all ages? Also, is there a way to do this without changing future schooling expectations—the next generation expecting this type of learning to be used throughout their entire school career, from elementary school to graduate school, as the only way to learn?

Maybe the best solution is a blended solution, where there is a little bit of everything to keep it exciting. As opposed to just using a computer as a word processor or as a reward for completing an in-class assignment faster than anyone else, how about using them for eLearning purposes with a twist. Can you imagine an MMORPG used in school that teaches vocabulary, math skills, and global studies all at the same time? For example, envision the learner’s character questing for mad loots, learning new terms along the way, completing math problems and puzzles to successfully complete a quest to get their mad loot, all while traveling around the Earth from country to country learning about culture, history, and so on. I’m sure there are resources available that do something similar to this, but are they subtle enough to “trick” the younger generation into saying “Wow, this is fun” instead of “Ugh, more school.” I think this type of eLearning, added on to the wonderful talent of a school’s administration and staff, would be a great way to renew the desire to learn.

1 comment:

  1. Great post Betsy, and very appropriate as we enter this new generation of learning and technology adoption... it's going to be interesting!
